

Imam Maturidi International Scholarship program is founded under the Imam Maturidi International Scientific Research Center under the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. The program is developed for foreign researchers engaged in the study of the scientific heritage of Imam Maturidi and his followers and the teaching of Maturidiyya.


The Imam Maturidi International Scholarship is awarded in two categories.

  1. Stipendiary Research Fellowship: A program that covers a certain amount of financial costs. Financial expenses during the study are reimbursed in the manner specified in the scholarship charter.
  2. Non-stipendiary Research Fellowship: A program that does not cover financial costs. All financial costs are covered by candidates on their own during the study.


  1. Foreign researchers.
  2. Having a doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., D.Sc. or equivalent) or PhD applicants.
  3. Language proficiency in one of these languages: English, Arabic, Russian, Uzbek.

Deadline: 20th February 2022 (for 2022)

Candidates will be notified within one month after being selected by the Commission. Selected Applicants will receive a letter stating the exact terms of the award, including any scholarships or fees paid by the Center, as well as the duration of the proposed scholarship.

To apply for the Imam Maturidi International Scholarship, please click here (Go to Application).


The scholarship is established to ensure the consistent implementation of research on the life, activities, and scientific heritage of Imam Maturidi, the teachings of Maturidiyya, followers of this teaching, and their written scientific legacy, manuscripts, and lithographs in the world manuscript funds on the scientific basis. Widely promoting the results to the public, establishing and strengthening cooperation between the Center and the world’s leading research and educational institutions are also primary goals.

Scholarships are awarded for the following research areas:

  • Research and verification of manuscript sources on the teaching of Maturidiyya;
  • Methodology of refutation of destructive sects based on the teaching of Maturidiyya;
  • Creation of theoretical and practical bases for rehabilitation of misguided citizens;
  • The life and scientific heritage of scholars who contributed to the development of Maturidiyya in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries;
  • Research on the sources of the doctrine of Maturidiyya related to the XVII-XVIII centuries;
  • The role and importance of the teaching of Maturidiyya in substantiating the teachings of moderate Islam.


The Imam Maturidi International Scholarship award has two types of programs:

Stipendiary Research Fellowships – A program that covers a certain amount of financial costs. Financial expenses during the study are reimbursed in the manner specified in the scholarship charter.

Non-stipendiary Research Fellowships – A program that does not cover financial costs. All financial costs are covered by candidates on their own during the study.

Applications are tenable at the Centre for the academic year from Mart to May 2022 for a minimum of two months. Non-stipendiary Research Fellowships are also available for shorter or longer periods.


The Centre generally holds one application round for both types of awards during each academic year:

  • The application window opens in January 2022 and closes in December 2022 for those wishing to apply for Research Fellowships.


These Visiting Research Fellowships are open to foreign researchers engaged in the study of the scientific heritage of Imam Maturidi and his followers and the teaching of Maturidiya. Preference will be given to those studying the life and scientific heritage of Imam Maturidi and his followers and the teaching of Maturidiyya.

Applicants should normally be at the postdoctoral or at least at the doctoral research level. Each Visiting Research Fellow will be provided with shared office accommodation, and 2-room comfort apartment on the balance of the center. The stipendiary program carries a stipend of 1 000 USD.

The stipends for both categories of Research Fellowships are intended as a supplementary award and may be held in conjunction with other research grants, stipends, or sabbatical salaries. Visiting Fellows are expected to devote their time to research and writing and to participate in the Centre’s academic activities.


A full application consists of an application form completed online via the Center’s website plus supporting documents uploaded or emailed separately to the Center:

  • Completed application form (completed via the Centre’s website at click here)
  • a brief description of proposed research (up to 1000 words)
  • samples of publications, if available (a maximum of two)
  • a copy of the candidate’s education and specialization documents;
  • curriculum vitae (CV);
  • a recommendation by at least two experts — a scientist or a professor.
  • it is advisable to attach the following documents to the application: language proficiency document: Arabic, English, Russian or Uzbek; certificate of international importance.

(The file size of each supporting document must be at least 300 dpi to ensure the authenticity of each document attached to the application.)

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all application materials including recommendation letters are submitted by the closing date. Complete applications will be acknowledged.


All eligible applications will be considered by the Centre’s Visiting Fellowships Selection Commission, through screening, shortlisting and selection stages. This can take some time and the patience of applicants whilst this process completes is requested. 

The criteria for selection of Research Fellows are:

  • evidence of academic excellence including quality of publications
  • relevance of the proposed research to the overall aims of the Centre
  • relevance of the proposed research to the current academic research priorities of the Centre
  • potential to contribute to and benefit from interdisciplinary interaction with other Centre Fellows and/or Visiting Fellows

At the shortlisting stage applicants may be contacted to verify that they are still interested in pursuing their application and that they have the financial means to take up their award if selected.

Address enquiries to:
International office of the Imam Maturidi International Scientific Research Center under the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

  1. Kadiri Street, Shaykhontokhur District, 100011, Tahskent, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Tel.: + 99871 244 3526

e-mail: info@moturidi.uz 















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