

Abu Muhammad Jalaluddin Umar ibn Muhammad al-Khojandi al-Khabbazi

(d. 691/1292)

Khabbazi was born in 629/1232 in Khojand, one of the cities of Mawarannahr. After receiving education in his country, he sought knowledge in Khwarizm, and then went to Baghdad. After some time, he came to Sham and worked as a teacher at the Izziyya Barraniyya madrasah. After going to Mecca for Hajj pilgrimage, Khabbazi returned to Sham where he lived for a year, started teaching at Hatuniyya Barraniyya madrasah and lived there for the rest of his life. At that time, in order to teach in this madrasah, it was required to be the strongest Hanafi scholar of that time. The sources mention that he was indeed a scholar with this quality, a jurist who knew both furu’ and usul of fiqh very well, and at the same time he was a person of prayer and asceticism.

Among his students were famous scholars such as Abul Abbas Ahmad ibn Mas'ud Konyavi, Dawud ibn Aghlabek ibn Ali Rumi, known as Badrut-Tawil, and Hibatullah ibn Ahmad Turkistani.

Khabbazi died in Syria in 691/1292 and was buried in the Sufiyya cemetery. Some sources mention that he died in 671/1272.

His works. 1. "Al-Mughni fi Usul al-Fiqh". It is the author's most important work. The work was published in Mecca in 1983 by Muhammad Mazhar Baqa. More than 10 commentaries were written on "al-Mughni". One of them belongs to the author himself. The other commentators are Alauddin Ali ibn Mansur Maqdisi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad Turkmani, Shihabuddin Ahmad ibn Ibrahim Ayintabi, Jamaluddin Mahmud ibn Ahmad Konyavi, Sirajuddin Umar ibn Ishaq Ghaznavi, Mansur ibn Ahmad Khwarizmi, Ibn Saig Zumurrudi, Alauddin Ali Aswad, Muhammad ibn Yusuf Isbiri and Ayyubizada Mustafa. 2. "Sharh al-Hidaya". It is a commentary on “al-Hidaya” by Burhanuddin Marghinani. There are many manuscript copies of the work with different names. Some copies of the work are found under the following titles: "Mushkilat al-Hidaya" (Sulaymaniya library. Jarullah Afandi, no. 780); "Hashiya 'alal Hidaya" (Sulaymaniya library. Domad Ibrahim Pasha. No. 616; Asad Afandi, no. 89; Yangi Jami’, no. 406); "Sharh al-Hidaya" (Sulaymaniya Library. Giresun, no. 33; Turhan Walida Sultan, no. 141); "al-Kifaya fi sharh al-Hidaya" (Library of Sulaymaniyah. Mahmud Pasha, no. 212). 3. "Al-Hadi fi Usul ad-Din". There are copies of this work on kalam with the same name (Sulaymaniya library. Lalali, no. 2483) and "Kitab al-Hadi" (Sulaymaniya library. Fatih. 3169).

Additional Information

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